Placeholder What are Cobalt Chrome Rings?

Whether you’re new to men’s jewelry or you’re all caught up on the latest trends, it’s no surprise that alternative metals and materials are taking the fashion world by storm. One of the fastest rising stars of this trend is cobalt chrome, and this material features no shortage of impressive details and benefits. We compiled all of the pertinent cobalt chrome rings information you will need to decide whether this lucrative material is well-suited to you or your groom’s lifestyle.

Cobalt chrome is a metallic alloy of cobalt and chromium. This material is widely used in dental or orthopedic implants, but jewelers quickly realized the benefits of using it as a primary material for fashion accessories. Discover what all the hype is about by reviewing our cobalt chrome rings information below:

Just Mens Rings Cobalt Chrome

Premium Color

One of the greatest advantages to choosing cobalt chrome is that you attain a lustrous silvery white hue at a fraction of the price you might pay for silver or platinum. The usual color is much whiter than tungsten carbide or titanium, which provides an excellent alternative to men or grooms who shy away from silver tones.

Strength and Durability

Another attractive feature of cobalt chrome is that it is four times stronger than platinum, five times harder than gold, and seven times harder than silver. With a high strength-to-weight ratio, you gain the peace of mind to put your ring to the test without compromising on that lightweight fit you love.

Safety and Sensitivity

We know that cobalt chrome is a popular material for surgical implants, so you’ll be glad to know that cobalt chrome rings do not contain any harmful components that could cause allergic reactions. Aside from being hypoallergenic, this alternative metal can be removed from your finger in the event of an emergency using a jeweler’s saw.

With some cobalt chrome rings information under your belt, you’re well underway to finding the best fashion ring or wedding band to suit your lifestyle. Shopping for your big day on a not-so-big budget? No problem! We carry a wide selection of stunning cobalt chrome wedding rings that are sure to have your groom grinning from ear to ear. If you have any questions about our information articles or our inventory, please contact one of our friendly jewelry experts today for further assistance or additional information. Help is just a phone call away!

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