Placeholder Men’s Stainless Steel Black Cable Ring with Flat Face and Polished Fin

Men’s Stainless Steel Black Cable Ring with Flat Face and Polished Finish | 8mm

$40.31 USD

2 reviews
This ring ships the next business day

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Great Customer service

I ordered this ring along with another. I received the shipment notification the next day. The rings came in about 2 weeks. The cable ring was slightly scratched when I received it. I sent customer service an email asking how to properly care for this ring and they gave me a full refund! Although the refund was not necessary it was greatly appreciated. Other than the scratch, the ring is great. The size and quality of the ring is good. Customer service is great.

Mrs. Powell

This ring is awesome. Superior quality and looks great. Just like the picture. We were very impressed, esp after ordering a different one from this site first that we were disappointed with. It's well worth the money and more. My husband loves it and wears it all the time. He preferred this to a more expensive wedding band because he is rough on jewelry as an officer. So far no issues. Very happy with this purchase.

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